Shallow Focus Photo of Sunflower



a Tonya

sun flowers

Septemner 9, 2008, I started a blog, 40s Reasons to ​Live, Love & Laugh Out Loud. And let me tell you... ​When I got started, I had no idea what I was doing. But I ​was doing what I loved, writing.

Initially, it was a way to chronical the decade of my 40s, ​and it grew to so much more. It didn’t take long for me ​to get the hang of blogging, find my tibe, and my voice.

Through that blog I found community, made friends, ​and gained a sense of fulfillment. Lately, I‘ve been ​missing blogging, and have played around with the idea ​of getting back to it.

On a whim, I went back to the Blogger account I started ​with, and the Wordpress, I eventually moved to... and all ​1,011 post are still there! Unfortunatly, I coulnd‘t retrieve ​the post from the Always La Tonya blog.

I wrote about events, movies, and TV shows, along with ​crafts, projects, travel and all the adventures life threw ​my way.

That blog also birthed several series including ‘Project ​What‘s for Dinner,” that helped me out of a rut, and to ​fall in love with cooking again.

Through blogging, I was afforded various opportunities, ​paid and unpaid. Bloggers during that time were the ​first influencers, called ambassadors. The conferences, ​retreats, and meet-ups I experienced were top tier!

I’m doing a new thing... Starting a new blog, after about ​8 years.

Stayed tuned for a launch date!



a Tonya